Beautiful day today June 17, 2017.  I mowed around the garden and mulched the early sweet corn with grass clippings.  Kathy picked pod peas, weeded and thinned the carrots and then pickled little carrots.  The chickens and rabbits enjoyed the tops.  I spent a lot of time weeding and then planted a bunch of our left over tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.  (Note for next year just get 25% more in plants than you think you need not 100%.)  Barb’s Greenhouse did a great job starting our plants for us and we are thrilled as long as they are willing to start plants for us we will be using them!

I planted 30 more tomato plants, 22 peppers and 6 more egg plant.  We still have some plants if anyone wants them but we are not going to plant any more.

We don’t have enough cages for these extra plants but are going to buy stakes and try the Florida Weave.  Watch the video it is really cool.  This would take a little more work but stakes are easier to store than cages. 🙂

The garden is looking really good.  Weeds are under control and we haven’t been hit with hail yet.

Last week we planted more sweet corn so hopefully we will have 5 or 6 weeks of corn for everyone.  Probably only 4 or 5 ears but that is at least one meal.

Thank you for joining us in this adventure.